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Sunday, June 23, 2013

change copyright text from any wordpress theme premium or free using notepad++

Is there any editing work around where code editing of inside of an script is needed to be edited?then notepad++ is the promising tool.i think its fair to say im the only one who uses notepad for this type of work.but believe me when i say,it makes working with code a whole lot easier.its most useful feature is the find tool,which can be used to look for a specific code inside a folder of php coded files.I said before that a post featuring how to use this free but wonderful software to edit codes like a pro is coming soon.Here it is now.
We will now tackle the problem of editing a specific part of a wordpress theme.There are many wordpress themes that are free but the creator holds some part of the theme to be used as his advert.We don't mind that,but sometime we need to occupy these space for our selves.Take a look at the screen shot below

The theme is great and free, but when you see the next two picture you will see that the creator has used some space which could be beautifully used for some words of introduction of my website. 

The wordpress dashboard does not offer any widget or option where I can edit these sentence, and the theme maker is saying I could buy theme and remove them.

But I cant buy,so I use notepad++.
First I download the theme and unzip it.

Then take any php file,here footer.php as it may contain the footer info I want to change.
Right click and select edit with notepad++.    
The theme has codes I cant decode!
Then I copy the text I need to change from the theme
,click search>find in files,
select the theme folder as search area,
and paste the text.Finally click search.It will start searching
Yes,there is a match in function.php!
Lets open it up
I again search but in this file only.
The code containing the text comes visible.I edit that to my text.
Next to the copyright footer text, I just select portion of the full text now and search the folder again
Yes on one php there is a match.Editing it will make the theme suited to my words of choice.

Now you've seen how to use notepad++ to change copyright text from any wordpress theme premium or free both.This idea can be used for many changes too.

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